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Contents (OrchardCore.Contents)


This module provides Content Management services.




You can access content items from liquid views and templates by using the Content property.


By default, you can retrieve content by alias or content item ID. Other modules (such as Alias and Autoroute) allow you to retrieve content by other identifiers.


Loading from an alias


{% assign my_content = Content["alias:main-menu"] %}

 <font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体">{%assign my_content = Content [“alias:main-menu”]%}</font> 

Aliases can be in various forms, like when using Autoroute, with the slug prefix.


{% assign my_content = Content["slug:my-blog/my-blog-post"] %}

 <font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体">{%assign my_content = Content [“slug:my-blog / my-blog-post”]%}</font> 

Aliases are provided by implementing IContentAliasProvider.


Loading the latest version of a content item


You can use the Latest property to retrieve the latest version of a content item (whether that's the published version or the latest draft version) by alias:


{% assign my_content = Content.Latest["alias:main-menu"] %}

 <font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体">{%assign my_content = Content.Latest [“alias:main-menu”]%}</font> 

Loading from a content item id


{% assign my_content = Content.ContentItemId["417qsjrgv97e74wvp149h4da53"] %}

 <font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体">{%assign my_content = Content.ContentItemId [“417qsjrgv97e74wvp149h4da53”]%}</font> 

When a list of content item ids is available, the content_item_id filter should be preferred:


{% assign posts = postIds | content_item_id %}

 <font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体">{%assign posts = postIds | content_item_id%}</font> 

Loading from a content item version id


{% assign my_content = Content.ContentItemVersionId["49gq8g6zndfc736x0az3zsp4w3"] %}

 <font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体">{%assign my_content = Content.ContentItemVersionId [“49gq8g6zndfc736x0az3zsp4w3”]%}</font> 

Razor Helper


The following methods are available from the Razor helper.


| Method | Parameters | Description |


| --------- | ---- |------------ |

| --------- | ---- | ------------ |

| GetContentItemIdByAliasAsync | string alias | Returns the content item id from its alias. |

| GetContentItemIdByAliasAsync | string alias |从别名返回内容项ID。 |

| GetContentItemByAliasAsync | string alias, bool latest = false | Loads a content item from its alias, seeking the latest version or not. |

| GetContentItemByAliasAsync | string alias,bool latest = false |从其别名加载内容项,寻求最新版本。 |

| GetContentItemByIdAsync | string contentItemId, bool latest = false | Loads a content item from its id, seeking the latest version or not. |

| GetContentItemByIdAsync | string contentItemId,bool latest = false |从其ID加载内容项,寻求最新版本。 |

| GetContentItemsByIdAsync | IEnumerable<string> contentItemIds, bool latest = false | Loads a list of content items by ids, seeking the latest version or not. |

| GetContentItemsByIdAsync | IEnumerable <string> contentItemIds,bool latest = false |按ID列出内容项列表,寻求最新版本。 |

| GetContentItemByVersionIdAsync | string contentItemVersionId | Loads a content item from its version id. |

| GetContentItemByVersionIdAsync | string contentItemVersionId |从其版本ID加载内容项。 |

The Razor Helper is accessible on the Orchard property if the view is using Orchard Core's Razor base class, or by injecting OrchardCore.IOrchardHelper in all other cases.

如果视图使用Orchard Core的Razor基类,或者在所有其他情况下注入OrchardCore.IOrchardHelper,则可以在Orchard属性访问Razor Helper。