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This chapter has not been updated for the current version of Orchard, and has been ARCHIVED.

An Admin menu is a menu which only appears in the admin website. There are 2 levels of admin menus available on the side menu and the second level is by default collapsed. Adding a third level is possible, but this will only be displayed as a tabbed navigation on top of the pages.


Adding an Orchard admin module starts with a class implementing the INavigationProvider:


public interface INavigationProvider : IDependency {

    string MenuName { get; }

    void GetNavigation(NavigationBuilder builder);


In here the MenuName property should always return the value "admin", signalling to Orchard that this is an admin menu instead of a normal menu.


Adding a single level


using Orchard.UI.Navigation;

namespace Orchard.Webshop


public class AdminMenu : INavigationProvider


    public string MenuName {

        get { return "admin"; }


    public AdminMenu() {

        T = NullLocalizer.Instance;


<font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体"></font>

    private Localizer T { get; set; }

    public void GetNavigation(NavigationBuilder builder) {


            // Image set


            // "Webshop"

            .Add(item => item



                .Action("Index", "CustomerAdmin", new { area = "Orchard.Webshop" })





This will result in a single item being added to the admin menu. The AddImageSet lets you create an image (in a set of related css files) to display in the navigation menu. Position is the order in which the menu's are displayed.

这将导致将单个项目添加到管理菜单。 AddImageSet允许您创建要在导航菜单中显示的图像(在一组相关的css文件中)。位置是菜单显示的顺序。

Adding 2nd level menu items


By adding more .Add statements nested in the parent menu, we can generate a second menu level. With the .LinkToFirstChild we don't need an action anymore in the parent item, we'll use the first one from the first child.


    public void GetNavigation(NavigationBuilder builder) {


            // Image set


            // "Webshop"

            .Add(item => item




                    .Add(localItem => localItem


                        .Action("Index", "CustomerAdmin", new { area = "Orchard.Webshop" })


                     .Add(localItem => localItem


                        .Action("Index", "OrdersAdmin", new { area = "Orchard.Webshop"  })




Adding multiple tabs to a page (3rd level)


For this we can use the .LocalNav() method.


public void GetNavigation(NavigationBuilder builder) {


    .Add(T("Customers"), "7", menu => menu.Action(...})

      .Add(T("Details"), "0", item => item.Action(...}).LocalNav())

      .Add(T("History"), "1", item => item.Action(...).LocalNav())

      .Add(T("Contact"), "2", item => item.Action(...).LocalNav()));


Be careful, if the Current displayed url is not part of the LocalNav pages, no tabs are displayed. You first have to navigate to one of the pages for the LocalNav to display.
