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第2部分:让小工具动态化-Part 2: Make the Widget Dynamic



This is part two of a four part course. It will get you started with a gentle introduction to extending Orchard at the code level. You will build a very simple module which contains a widget that shows an imaginary featured product.


It will teach you some of the basic components of module development and also encourage you to use best-practices when developing for Orchard.


If you haven't read the previous part of this course then you can go back to the overview to learn about the Getting Started with Modules course.


Expanding the widget to make it more dynamic


In the first version of the widget we took the bare minimum of steps that we could in order to get something up and running.


This meant we missed out a few classes that would be in a normal data-driven module and some of the classes we did add were pretty much empty.


Now that you understand the basic workflow of building a module we're going to go back and take a second look at it, adding in some new classes and expanding out the Widget.


By the time we have finished with this part we will have made the widget more dynamic. To achieve this goal we are going to:


  • Add a Boolean property to signify if the item is on sale.

  • 添加“布尔”属性以表示该项目是否在售。 *

  • Dip into the Orchard API to hide the widget if the page we are viewing is the featured product.

  • 如果我们正在查看的页面是特色产品,请进入Orchard API以隐藏小部件。 *

Getting setup for the lesson


You should have already completed part one of this course before you move on to this part. This means you should have a copy of Orchard with the completed module work.


If you have the original Solution and module files available then:


  1. Open Visual Studio

1.打开Visual Studio

  1. Open the Solution you created in the first part of the course


If for some reason you don't have these files you can play catch-up by following these steps:


  1. Follow the setting up for a lesson guide.


  1. Download the completed module source code from part 1.

1.下载[第1部分中已完成的模块源代码](../ Attachments / getting-started-with-modules-part-1 /。

  1. Extract the archive into the modules directory at .\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\.

1.将存档解压缩到。\\ src \\ Orchard.Web \\ Modules \\的modules目录中。

  1. Run Orchard by pressing Ctrl-F5, go to the admin dashboard, select Modules from the navigation menu and enable the module.

1.按“Ctrl-F5”运行Orchard,进入管理仪表板,从导航菜单中选择 Modules 并启用模块。

Now we can begin the lesson by starting to build in database functionality to the Featured Product module.


Add a ContentPartRecord class


In the first part of this course we created a simple ContentPart class called FeaturedProductPart. Because we weren't storing anything at the time this class was just an empty placeholder.


We are going to go back and give it a property to store some data in the next section but first we need to create a ContentPartRecord class.


The ContentPartRecord class is used by Orchard to store content part data in a database.


Let's add the class to the module and then start wiring in the Boolean IsOnSale property:


  1. Locate your FeaturedProduct module in the Solution Explorer, Right click on the Models folder and choose Add, Class...

1.在解决方案资源管理器中找到您的FeaturedProduct模块,_右键单击Models文件夹并选择 Add Class ...

  1. In the Add New Item dialog enter FeaturedProductPartRecord in to the Name: field and press Add.

1.在 Add New Item 对话框中,在'Name:字段中输入FeaturedProductPartRecord并按 Add **。

  1. Derive the class from ContentPartRecord:


     public class FeaturedProductPartRecord : ContentPartRecord
  1. Add the namespace by pressing Ctrl-.:



  1. Add a public property to the class. Place your cursor in the main body of the class. Type prop then press the Tab key twice:



 This will insert a code snippet for an automatically implemented public property.
  1. In the first placeholder (you can just start typing and it will replace the int automatically) set it to virtual bool then press Tab, type IsOnSale and press Enter to complete the property.

1.在第一个占位符(你可以开始输入并自动替换int)将其设置为virtual bool然后按Tab,键入IsOnSale并按Enter来完成属性。


The important thing to remember for your ContentPartRecord classes is that each of the properties you want to store in the database should be marked with the virtual keyword. This is so that NHibernate, the database system used by Orchard, can inject its underlying plumbing.


You should now end up with a file called .\Models\FeaturedProductPartRecord.cs with the contents:

您现在应该得到一个名为。\\ Models \\ FeaturedProductPartRecord.cs的文件,内容如下:

using Orchard.ContentManagement.Records;

namespace Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Models {

  public class FeaturedProductPartRecord : ContentPartRecord {

    public virtual bool IsOnSale { get; set; }



Update the ContentPart


You now have a class that will provide the interface between your database and your content part (FeaturedProductPartRecord).


The first change to the content part will be to let it know about this record class. Then we will add a public property which mirrors the data class and specifies how it will store its data:


  1. Open the ContentPart file located in .\Models\FeaturedProductPart.cs

1.打开位于。\\ Models \\ FeaturedProductPart.cs中的ContentPart文件

  1. Add a generic type parameter to the FeaturedProductPart class by changing this:


     public class FeaturedProductPart : ContentPart

 To this:

     public class FeaturedProductPart : ContentPart<FeaturedProductPartRecord>
  1. Add the public property to the class:


      [DisplayName("Is the featured product on sale?")]

      public bool IsOnSale {

        get { return Retrieve(r => r.IsOnSale); }

        set { Store(r => r.IsOnSale, value); }

  1. Add the namespace for the DisplayName attribute


The DisplayName attribute is a feature provided by ASP.NET MVC. Later on when we build the editor view for the admin dashboard it will use this phrase instead of simply displaying "IsOnSale"

DisplayName属性是ASP.NET MVC提供的功能。稍后,当我们为管理仪表板构建编辑器视图时,它将使用此短语而不是简单地显示“IsOnSale”

You should now end up with a FeaturedProductPart.cs file that looks like this:


using System.ComponentModel;

using Orchard.ContentManagement;

namespace Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Models {

  public class FeaturedProductPart : ContentPart<FeaturedProductPartRecord> {

    [DisplayName("Is the featured product on sale?")]

    public bool IsOnSale {

      get { return Retrieve(r => r.IsOnSale); }

      set { Store(r => r.IsOnSale, value); }




The Retrieve() and Store() methods come when you inherit from ContentPart<T>.

当你继承自ContentPart <T>时,会出现Retrieve()Store()方法。

Under the hood your data is stored in two places. There is the underlying database and something called the infoset.


Understanding data storage in Orchard


Orchard provides an incredibly modular architecture. The way it achieves this is that it breaks everything up into their own little components called content parts. We are busy building one of these content parts right now. Orchard composes these together at run-time to form content types, such as the widget we are working on.

Orchard提供令人难以置信的模块化架构。它实现这一目标的方式是将所有内容分解为自己的称为内容部分的小组件。我们正忙着构建其中一个内容部分。 Orchard在运行时将这些组合在一起以形成内容类型,例如我们正在处理的小部件。

In order to store all of these little pieces of data in the database they are split up into many tables. There can be a lot of SQL JOIN's involved with pulling a content item out of the database. This means things aren't always as fast as they could be.


To minimize these effects a secondary data cache is kept. All of the different content parts are encoded into XML and stored in a single column inside a database table. For example, our widget looks something like this:



  <IdentityPart Identifier="0e8f0d480f0d4d4bb72ad3d0c756a0d4" />

  <CommonPart CreatedUtc="2015-09-24T19:37:19.5819846Z"


    PublishedUtc="2015-09-24T19:37:19.6810555Z" />

  <WidgetPart RenderTitle="true" Title="Featured Product" Position="1"

    Zone="AsideFirst" Name="" CssClasses="" />


So instead of pulling data from three different tables (IdentityPart, CommonPart and WidgetPart) Orchard just selects the single XML block and checks in there. The Retrieve() and Store() methods automatically keep this data and the individual database tables in sync for you.

因此,Orchard不是从三个不同的表(IdentityPartCommonPartWidgetPart)中提取数据,而是选择单个XML块并在那里进行检查。 Retrieve()Store()方法自动保持这些数据和各个数据库表同步。

Why not just use the XML infoset all the time? If you need to sort the data or filter it then its actually quicker to do this all within the SQL database server rather than extracting everything and sorting / filtering it after.


In certain scenario's you might not need one or the other of these data stores. There are more advanced approaches that you can take in these situations but that's an advanced topic for a later guide.


This changeover was implemented in Orchard v1.8 and was known as "The Shift". Bertrand Le Roy has written more about this on his blog.

这种转换在Orchard v1.8中实现,被称为“The Shift”。 Bertrand Le Roy [在他的博客上写了更多关于此的内容]( LL-影响-你)。

Upgrading using a data migration


In the first part of this course we created a Migrations.cs class file. Inside it we wrote the Create() method which returned 1. When Orchard had finished running the method it stored that 1 in the database.


Now that we want to make some changes to our modules data storage (we want to add in a table for the data to be stored in) we can add a new method UpdateFrom1(). Orchard will automatically find this method the next time the site is loaded and run this updated data migration.

现在我们要对模块数据存储进行一些更改(我们想在表中添加要存储的数据),我们可以添加一个新方法UpdateFrom1()。 Orchard将在下次加载站点时自动找到此方法并运行此更新的数据迁移。

At the end of the update method we will return 2. This means in the future if we want to make further changes we could add an UpdateFrom2() method. We can keep returning a number one higher than the previous to update as many times as we need.


  1. Open the Migrations.cs file in the root folder of the module.


  1. Beneath the Create() method, add in the following method:


    public int UpdateFrom1() {


        table => table



      return 2;


To start off with we are using the SchemaBuilder class to create a new table. The first parameter is the table name. This should match the ContentPartRecord we built.


Instead of pulling it out using typeof().Name you could pass in a string such as CreateTable("FeaturedProductsPartRecord", ...); but that leaves you open to introducing small typos into the code - like I did just then.

你可以传入一个字符串,例如CreateTable(“FeaturedProductsPartRecord”,...);而不是使用typeof()。Name`来传递它。但是这让你开始在代码中引入小错别字 - 就像我做的那样就在此刻。

Did you notice the extra s I accidentally typed into the table name?


If you make a mistake like this then you won't get an exception. Orchard will still run but your data will be saved to the wrong table creating hard to find bugs.

如果你犯了这样的错误,你就不会得到例外。 Orchard仍会运行,但您的数据将保存到错误的表中,从而导致很难找到错误。

The ContentPartRecord() call is just a simple shorthand to add in the id column. If you look in the definition (just place your cursor in the method in Visual Studio and press F12) you will see it simply adds an extra Column<> into the chain:

ContentPartRecord()调用只是在id列中添加的简单简写。如果您查看定义(只需将光标放在Visual Studio中的方法并按下F12),您将看到它只是在链中添加了一个额外的Column <>

Column<int>("Id", column => column.PrimaryKey().NotNull());

We then add our column with a data type bool and a name IsOnSale which matches our property on the record class. NHibernate will automatically match the name of the property on the record class with the column in the database.

然后,我们使用数据类型bool和名称IsOnSale添加我们的列,该列匹配记录类的属性。 NHibernate会自动将记录类上的属性名称与数据库中的列匹配。

Bonus Exercise: Look around in the Migrations.cs files located in the other built-in modules for many examples of the things you can do with this class.


To do this just select the Search Solution Explorer textbox at the top of the Solution Explorer or press Ctrl-;. When it's selected just type Migrations.cs in and it will find all of the Migrations.cs files in the solution.

要执行此操作,只需在 Solution Explorer 顶部选择 Search Solution Explorer 文本框,或按Ctrl-;。当它被选中时只需键入Migrations.cs,它将找到解决方案中的所有Migrations.cs文件。

You should now end up with a Migrations.cs file that looks like this:


using Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData;

using Orchard.Core.Common.Models;

using Orchard.Data.Migration;

using Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Models;

using Orchard.Widgets.Models;

namespace Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct {

  public class Migrations : DataMigrationImpl {

    public int Create() {


        "FeaturedProductWidget", cfg => cfg

        .WithSetting("Stereotype", "Widget")




      return 1;


    public int UpdateFrom1() {


        table => table



      return 2;




Add a handler


The plumbing for connecting the module code to the database is almost complete. The last thing to do is to register a StorageFilter for the ContentPartRecord.


The StorageFilter class takes care of persisting the data from repository object to the database. In this case it's the FeaturedProductPartRecord class that needs registering.


You do this registration inside the Handler class, although that's not it's only use. You can think of the handler like a filter in ASP.NET MVC. It's a piece of code that is meant to run when specific events happen in the application, but that are not specific to a given content type.

你在Handler类中进行了这个注册,虽然这不是它的唯一用途。您可以将处理程序视为ASP.NET MVC中的过滤器。它是一段代码,用于在应用程序中发生特定事件时运行,但不是特定于给定内容类型。

For example, you could build an analytics module that listens to the Loaded event in order to log usage statistics.


If you're curious, you can see what event handlers you can override in your own handlers by examining the source code for ContentHandlerBase and reading the understanding content handlers guide.

如果您感到好奇,可以通过检查“ContentHandlerBase”的源代码并阅读[了解内容处理程序](/ Documentation / Understanding-content-handlers)指南,了解您可以在自己的处理程序中覆盖哪些事件处理程序。

The handler you need in this module is not going to be very complex, but it will implement some plumbing that is necessary to set up the persistence of the part:


  1. In the Solution Explorer, right click on the Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct project and choose Add, New Folder and create a new folder called Handlers.

1.在 Solution Explorer 中,右键单击Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct项目并选择 Add New Folder 并创建一个名为Handlers的新文件夹。

  1. Now right click on the Handlers folder and choose Add, Class....

1.现在右键单击Handlers文件夹并选择 Add Class ...

  1. In the Add New Item dialog enter FeaturedProductHandler in to the Name: field and press Add.

1.在 Add New Item 对话框中,在Name:字段中输入FeaturedProductHandler并按 Add

  1. Derive the class from ContentHandler:


     public class FeaturedProductHandler : ContentHandler
  1. Add the namespace by pressing Ctrl-.:



  1. You now need to add in the standard boilerplate handler constructor code which wires up the StorageFilter to the repository:


    public FeaturedProductHandler(

      IRepository<FeaturedProductPartRecord> repository) {


  1. Add the namespace for the FeaturedProductPartRecord and then the IRepository<>.

1.为FeaturedProductPartRecord添加命名空间,然后添加IRepository <>

You should now end up with a FeaturedProductHandler.cs file that looks like this:


using Orchard.ContentManagement.Handlers;

using Orchard.Data;

using Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Models;

namespace Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Handlers {

  public class FeaturedProductHandler : ContentHandler {

    public FeaturedProductHandler(

      IRepository<FeaturedProductPartRecord> repository) {





Update the driver to support an editor view


This time through with the driver it's going to get its other two core boilerplate methods.


The first is a method called Editor() which is used to build the shape which will display the edit interface in the admin dashboard. This is designed to be used with a HTTP GET request.


The second is another Editor() overload which takes the submitted information from the first and attempts to pass that information back into the database. This is designed to be used with a HTTP POST request.


  1. Open the FeaturedProductDriver.cs class which is in the .\Drivers\ folder of the module project.

1.打开模块项目的。\\ Drivers \\文件夹中的FeaturedProductDriver.cs类。

  1. Below the Display() method, paste in this block of code:


    protected override DriverResult Editor(FeaturedProductPart part,

      dynamic shapeHelper) {

        return ContentShape("Parts_FeaturedProduct_Edit",

          () => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(

            TemplateName: "Parts/FeaturedProduct",

            Model: part,

            Prefix: Prefix));


    protected override DriverResult Editor(FeaturedProductPart part,

      IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper) {

        updater.TryUpdateModel(part, Prefix, null, null);

        return Editor(part, shapeHelper);

  1. Add the namespace for IUpdateModel using the Ctrl-. keyboard shortcut.


As explained above, the first Editor() method is for displaying an edit form in the admin dashboard. You can see that it returns a content shape called Parts_FeaturedProduct_Edit. We will use this information later on when updating the


The way it does it is by using the provided shapeHelper factory to create a new shape for the current content part (our FeaturedProductPart with the bool IsOnSale property). This is the same shape factory we used in our Display() method the first time around.

它的工作方式是使用提供的shapeHelper工厂为当前内容部分创建一个新形状(我们的FeaturedProductPart具有bool IsOnSale属性)。这是我们第一次使用Display()方法时使用的相同形状工厂。

For editor views you use the .EditorTemplate() method and pass in the configuration values. By default, Orchard places all of its editor views in the EditorTemplates folder. Combining this with the TemplateName parameter we know that we will be creating a view called .\Views\EditorTemplates\Parts\FeaturedProduct.cshtml in the next section.

对于编辑器视图,使用.EditorTemplate()方法并传入配置值。默认情况下,Orchard将其所有编辑器视图放在EditorTemplates文件夹中。将它与TemplateName参数结合起来,我们知道我们将在下一节中创建一个名为。\\ Views \\ EditorTemplates \\ Parts \\ FeaturedProduct.cshtml的视图。

The Model parameter passes in the data, in our case a data structure that includes the IsOnSale value. This will be accessible inside the Razor view and we will use it to determine what to display.


The Prefix is a text value that is prepended to the names of the shapes internally. This makes sure that the names are unique. The Prefix value that we supply is a method that comes with deriving from ContentPartDriver that just uses a typeof() to get the name of the class:


protected virtual string Prefix { get { return typeof(TContent).Name; } }

In more complicated projects this method can combine multiple shapes together and return them as a single CombinedShape.


The second overload of the Editor() method is used when the administrator submits a page that has the EditorTemplate form inside it. You can see the bare minimum code here which just attempts to pass the form data to the correct internal model. As long as it doesn't have any errors the model will then be persisted to the database automatically by Orchard.


It then calls the original POST version of the Editor() method with the form data already included in the model. This means that after the form has been submitted and the page loads up again it will have the form fields pre-populated with the data that has been entered.


In more complicated projects you will see further processing being completed after the TryUpdateModel() call.


Don't forget, browsing the Orchard source code is an invaluable tool to learn more about its inner workings. A good reference module for both this and the last tip is the WidgetPartDriver located in .\Orchard.Web\Modules\Orchard.Widgets\Drivers\WidgetPartDriver.cs. It shows both the combining of shapes and extra validation in the editor update method.

不要忘记,浏览Orchard源代码是了解其内部工作原理的宝贵工具。这个和最后一个提示的一个很好的参考模块是位于。\\ Orchard.Web \\ Modules \\ Orchard.Widgets \\ Drivers \\ WidgetPartDriver.cs中的WidgetPartDriver。它在编辑器更新方法中显示了形状和额外验证的组合。

You should now end up with a FeaturedProductDriver.cs file that looks like this:


using Orchard.ContentManagement;

using Orchard.ContentManagement.Drivers;

using Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Models;

namespace Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Drivers {

  public class FeaturedProductDriver : ContentPartDriver<FeaturedProductPart> {

    protected override DriverResult Display(FeaturedProductPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper) {

      return ContentShape("Parts_FeaturedProduct", () => shapeHelper.Parts_FeaturedProduct());


    protected override DriverResult Editor(FeaturedProductPart part, dynamic shapeHelper) {

      return ContentShape("Parts_FeaturedProduct_Edit",

        () => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(

          TemplateName: "Parts/FeaturedProduct",

          Model: part,

          Prefix: Prefix));


    protected override DriverResult Editor(FeaturedProductPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper) {

      updater.TryUpdateModel(part, Prefix, null, null);

      return Editor(part, shapeHelper);




Add the EditorTemplate view


The editor template view uses the same underlying technology as the front-end view, a Razor view template. Orchard keeps all of its editor templates inside the EditorTemplates folder of the Views folder.

编辑器模板视图使用与前端视图相同的基础技术,即Razor视图模板。 Orchard将所有编辑器模板保存在Views文件夹的EditorTemplates文件夹中。

When you're building the administration form you will normally use many of the ASP.NET MVC helper methods such as @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.IsOnSale).

在构建管理表单时,通常会使用许多ASP.NET MVC辅助方法,例如@ Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.IsOnSale)

For this reason you will find that editor template views are strongly-typed views and start off with the @model command. This will mean that you get the IntelliSense while using model to build the forms.

因此,您会发现编辑器模板视图是强类型视图,并从@ model命令开始。这意味着您在使用model构建表单时获得了IntelliSense。

The editor form for this module will have a single section to represent the Boolean value that we have added to the model. When building the view you should wrap each form item inside a <fieldset> tag.


Add the EditorTemplate view by following these steps:


  1. Add a new folder inside the Views folder called EditorTemplates (Right click on the View folder in the solution explorer, click Add, New Folder and type EditorTemplates).


  1. Add another folder inside that called Parts.


  1. Add a new .cshtml Razor view within the Parts folder called FeaturedProduct.cshtml

1.在Parts文件夹中添加一个名为FeaturedProduct.cshtml的新``.cshtml Razor视图。

  1. Within the FeaturedProduct.cshtml view file add the following HTML markup:


      @model Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct.Models.FeaturedProductPart


        <div class="editor-label">

          @Html.LabelFor(model => model.IsOnSale)


        <div class="editor-field">

          @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.IsOnSale)

          @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.IsOnSale)



When you edit the widget in the admin dashboard you will see a simple edit form:


You can see that it is automatically pulling through the [DisplayName] attribute value that we used earlier.


Update the front-end view


Now that we have gone through all the steps to surface the IsOnSale property we can finally use it to make a decision in the front-end view.


If you have experience with normal ASP.NET MVC Razor views you will know that you can blend your C# code in with the HTML including features such as using conditional statements to control the visibility of certain sections.

如果您有使用普通ASP.NET MVC Razor视图的经验,您将知道可以将您的`C#'代码与HTML混合,包括使用条件语句来控制某些部分的可见性等功能。

We will now update the module to show a red "ON SALE!" box in the widget when IsOnSale is set to true:

我们现在将更新模块以显示红色“ON SALE!”当IsOnSale设置为'true`时,窗口小部件中的框:

  1. Open up the view file located at .\Views\Parts\FeaturedProduct.cshtml

1.打开位于。\\ Views \\ Parts \\ FeaturedProduct.cshtml的视图文件

  1. Copy this CSS snippet into the <style> block at the top of the view:


    .sale-red {

      background-color: #d44950;

      color: #fff;

      float: right;

      padding: .25em 1em;

      display: inline;


  1. Add this snippet in to the main body, above the first <p> tag:



    @if (Model.ContentPart.IsOnSale) {

      <p class="sale-red">ON SALE!</p>


You will notice that this view doesn't feature an @model directive at the top. This is because the model is a dynamic class which contains the content part information and various other properties supplied by Orchard. This means that you can't define it in the view beforehand as the class isn't a named type and IntelliSense doesn't know what properties are going to be available at run-time.

您会注意到此视图顶部没有“@ model”指令。这是因为模型是一个动态类,它包含Orchard提供的内容部分信息和各种其他属性。这意味着您无法事先在视图中定义它,因为该类不是命名类型,并且IntelliSense不知道在运行时哪些属性可用。

Because of this you are on your own when typing up the views. It can be helpful to add breakpoints to inspect the structure of the model at run-time if you don't know what value you're looking for.


The @if (Model.ContentPart.IsOnSale) { } line simply checks if the value is true and if so it dynamically shows the HTML contained within the curly braces, displaying a red "ON SALE!" banner within the widget.

@if(Model.ContentPart.IsOnSale){}行只检查值是否为真,如果是,则动态显示大括号内的HTML,显示红色的“ON SALE!”小部件内的横幅。

You should now have a FeaturedProduct.cshtml file that looks like this:



  .btn-green {

    padding: 1em;

    text-align: center;

    color: #fff;

    background-color: #34A853;

    font-size: 2em;

    display: block;


  .sale-red {

    background-color: #d44950;

    color: #fff;

    float: right;

    padding: .25em 1em;

    display: inline;



@if (Model.ContentPart.IsOnSale) {

  <p class="sale-red">ON SALE!</p>


<p>Todays featured product is the Sprocket 9000.</p>

<p><a href="/sprocket-9000" class="btn-green">Click here to view it</a></p>

Update the file


Before we run the module to see our updated widget in action we need to make a change to the file. The module should run without errors at this stage but until we set up a <place> for the editor template you won't be able to configure the IsOnSale variable.


  1. Open the file located in the root folder of the module.


  1. Within the <placements> tag add the following <place> tag:


    <Place Parts_FeaturedProduct_Edit="Content:7.5"/>

 The order of the `<place>` tags doesn't matter.

The name of the place that we are targeting Parts_FeaturedProduct_Edit was defined in the driver class when we configured it in the EditorTemplate() shape factory method. The shape will be injected into the local zone named "content" with a weight of 7.5. In this case the weight of 7.5 will move it down to the bottom of the form.


When developing your modules it is common to forget this last stage. While you might not always be able to remember to update the before you run, you should take a moment to remember the solution.


Whenever the shape isn't displayed where it was expected, think of first.


You should now have a file that looks like this:



  <Place Parts_FeaturedProduct="Content:1"/>

  <Place Parts_FeaturedProduct_Edit="Content:7.5"/>


Trying the module out in Orchard


Great! You have completed another stage of the development. Now its time to load the website up in the browser and play with the new feature you just built.


  1. Within Visual Studio, press Ctrl-F5 on your keyboard to start the website without debugging enabled (it's quicker and you can attach the debugger later if you need it).

1.在Visual Studio中,按键盘上的“Ctrl-F5”启动网站而不启用调试(它更快,如果需要,可以稍后附加调试器)。

  1. Navigate to the admin dashboard.


  1. Click Widgets in the side menu.


  1. If you follow the guide correctly in part 1, you should see your Featured Product Widget in the list under AsideFirst. Click on the word Featured Product (this may vary depending the title you entered when you set the widget up):


  1. The Edit Widget page will be displayed. Scroll down to the bottom to find the setting we added:



Tick the checkbox.
  1. Click Save.


  1. Navigate back to the homepage of the website by clicking on the site title in the top corner of the admin dashboard:



<font color=#0099ff size=4 face="黑体"></font>

You should now see your product is marked as being on sale:


Bonus Exercise: Go back into the admin dashboard, uncheck the setting, save and come back again to see how the it no longer shows as being on sale.


Download the code for this lesson


You can download a copy of the module so far at this link:


To use it in Orchard simply extract the archive into the modules directory at .\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\. If you already have the module installed from a previous part then delete that folder first.

要在Orchard中使用它,只需将存档解压缩到。\\ src \\ Orchard.Web \\ Modules \\的modules目录中。如果您已从上一部分安装了模块,则首先删除该文件夹。

For Orchard to recognize it, the folder name should match the name of the module. Make sure that the folder name is Orchard.LearnOrchard.FeaturedProduct and then the modules files are located directly under that.




This part of the course has expanded your knowledge to touch on some of the data storage and content management features in Orchard.


You have added in the common module development classes that we didn't cover in the first part. You've experienced using the data migrations to incrementally update your data. You've also seen the basics of creating an admin interface and using it to update the configuration settings of a widget.


You can now see the core process of adding a variable to your module and then implementing it, working successively up the layers to surface it in the admin dashboard and the front-end view.


In the next part of the getting started with modules course we will look at working with content items at the code level.
